Kamis, 27 April 2017

Apis Dorsata

Apis Dorsata or otherwise known as a giant honeybee is an Asian honey bee that habits in the forest, Apis Dorsata Honeybee Apes make a nest with only one skull hanging on branches and twigs, in addition to branches and twigs are also often found around the ceiling Open and rocky cliffs, so until now scientists have not managed to cultivate Apis dorsata in closed form. Sisiran nest can reach 2 x 1 meter with estimation result can reach 20 kg / nest.

This species develops only in sub tropical and tropical regions of Asia, such as Indonesia, the Philippines, India, Nepal, and does not spread beyond Asia. In Indonesia is still found in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua and Nusa Tenggara. In Java Island bees are rarely found. There are several regional names for this bee in Indonesia, namely Manye / muanyi (Dayak), Gong (Java), Odéng (Sunda), bee gadang, bee gantuang, bee kabau, bees jawi (Minangkabau) and Harinuan (Batak people).

Honeybee Apis Dorsata Honeycomb shape semicircle large, from a distance looks brownish black, attached to the branches of a tall tree, occasionally seemed to wiggle in the wind. Honeybees really like to nest in the trees. This honey bee is different from the honey bee that is often encountered and maintained in beekeeping in general. Apis Dorsata This is a kind of wild honey bee, which is large and wild. Until now there is no information that states that this bee can be raised.

Bees belong to the Ordo Hymenoptera (mesh-winged insects), the name of the family group is Apidae, and the name of the species is Apis dorsata.

Bees are social insects such as ants and termites, meaning living in groups, with large numbers of individuals, and making nests. Inside the nest there is a queen of female sex, hundreds of thousands of female worker bees, and hundreds of male bees.

In one colony, the queen can be recognized easily because of its greatest size among other individuals. The queen duty married then lay eggs in the nest. Workers who are very much in charge of cleaning the nest, feeding bees, feeding and keeping the nest from disturbing predators. Bee males just marry the queen and eat it in the nest. The male bees will be expelled from the nest by the worker bee after marrying the queen bee.

Some people call this bee with the title of giant honey bee, some also call it with honey bees. This bee is indeed the largest among other types of honey bees such as Apis mellifera, Apis cerana, Apis andreniformis dll. Size about 2x the size of the honey bee is usually farmed.

The trees and rocky cliffs are very high choice to build a nest. Nest built only one comb. Unlike other honey bees that build nests with many combs. Often found nests located at an altitude of about 20-30 m above ground level hanging on branches of trees or sticking to rock cliffs. When approached the size of the nest is very large. The diameter of the nest can reach 0.5 - 2 meters, while the length is about 0.5 - 1 meters.

Although often found lodged in tall trees, there is also a honey finder who finds these bees nesting in low trees, even nests until it will touch the ground. Even if found in low trees the nest lies somewhat hidden among the bushes that grow high. At the time of the rainy season, these bees are found in the forest, the reason is because the trees in the forest generally flowering during the rainy season. While during the dry season these bees are often found nesting in the trees that are near the village, because the trees are commonly found in the village flowering constantly.

These bees include the migrant bees, the bees that migrate or move around. In Bogor Botanical Garden, based on research, these bees start coming in June / July, then settled until around February / March, after the months were not found existence. Not yet known clearly which way the bees move. Uniquely, these bees will nest on a tree that was once occupied previously. So it can be marked trees that once occupied the previous nest.

In addition to its unique behavior, bees are beneficial creatures because they produce honey that can be used by humans as a medicine. Honey produced by honey bees is very much when compared with other types of honey bees.

That's a little information about Honey Bees Apis Dorsata, hopefully this information can be useful for the readers.

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