Selasa, 25 April 2017

Benefits of Honey For Lips

Honey is a natural herb rich in benefits and properties that exist in it. And included to make the lips more moist, and can make the lips dry and can also make the red lips. Surely these women already know if you want to use and also the benefits you want to feel when wearing them. Surely everyone also knows that honey has properties that are rich in human body health and can mix honey for food processing that can not doubt its benefits.

Benefits of Honey For Lips, And here I will explain the benefits of honey for the lips:

Most women break their lips with a cosmetic device containing a mixture of preservatives. Usually the many women wear lipstick to redden the lips but it makes the lips even become black. And different from using honey, honey made From original natural ingredients from bees. And healthy for various purposes.

With this honey can be useful to milk the lips with natural ingredients, and this honey has been proven since ancient times so no doubt about the benefits of honey itself. How to flush the lips naturally?

Benefits of Honey For Lips

There can be no doubt that this honey has a wealth of tremendous benefits, and it has been proven. This honey can be used in various purposes and one of them for beauty such as overcoming the dry skin, moisturize the skin and the last to redden the lips. Benefits of Honey For Lips has a beneficial nutritional content to be used on everyone. Not only that but for the body that can protect the body that comes from outside with you diligent and regular to consume honey so your immune system so stronger than the various attacks of the disease.

How to redden your lips with honey by applying honey to your lips, just like you wear Lip Balm. In addition to redden honey lips can also overcome your dry lips, able to overcome broken lips break and treat sore throat.

How to moisten the lips. To moisten the lips should use at night, by mixing honey and a small amount of olive oil. This honey has an antibacterial content to heal wounds, and the use of olive oil itself is to help moisten the lips. By mixing honey and olive oil and then you apply on your lips, you should use before bed so that when you wake up your lips feel more smooth and soft. For additional benefits that are good for health should you drink eight glasses of water on a daily basis, in order to make the skin to look moist, not kusan and not dry.

Why honey has properties for various health and beauty purposes, because honey has mineral content such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, aluminum, phosphorus, potassium and iron. Honey also contains thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), ascorbic acid (C), Pyridosksin (B6), pantothenic acid, niacin content, folic acid content, biotin content and vitamin K content.

The content of enzymes contained in honey is, diastase enzyme content, invertase content, peroxidase content, glucose oxidase levels, and lipase. Diastase enzyme content is the content of enzymes that can convert complex carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates or monosaccharides. Invertase enzyme content is a content that can break the molecule of sucrose into glucose and also fructose. The content of enzyme oxidase is an enzyme that can help glucose oxidase into peroxide. The content of peroxidase enzymes can process oxidase into metabolism. All these substances can process the body into metabolism.

The value of the calories contained in this honey is extraordinary magnitude 3,280 calories or perkilonya. The content of one kilogram of calories honey is the same as fifty chicken eggs, 5.7 liters of milk, 25 bananas, forty citrus fruit, four kilograms of potatoes and also 1.68 kilograms of meat. Honey has a very high carbohydrate content of low fat content. The content of sugar contained in this reached 80%, for the content of sugar present in honey as much as 85%, and sugar including glucose And fructose.

Similarly an article on the benefits of pure honey for the lips. Hope can be useful for the para.
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