Senin, 17 April 2017

Benefits of Honey for Childhood

Honey is a viscous liquid syrupy and sweet. When you Belita child difficult to eat immediately give honey every day. Benefits of honey to children under five can increase appetite, and lower levels of morbidity to heat and cold, in addition to it's full nutritional content. Honey can be given to small children to various kinds of treatment as a child quickly relieve coughs and help them sleep soundly without any disturbance cough quite excruciating for children. So the next day the child's body feels better than ever.

Honey can also help growing children. As supported by the folic acid content owned honey that serves as stimulat to assist the growth and development of children. In growing up have the necessary nutrients, calories and more balanced sources of energy. Therefore currently circulating milk mixed with honey as a supporting material of milk consumed by children. enriched honey will the nutrients and calories can help supplement the food consumed by children and young child nutrition and calorie needs per day in a balanced manner.

However, there are things to be aware that not all children like honey or honey do not also consume excessive amounts because it can interfere with the digestive process so that the children eat in the body can lead to stomach pain arise such as diarrhea.

Benefits of honey to children under five are :
  1. Benyak honey contains vitamins needed and very important for the child's body. Benefits of honey to children under five also can be easily absorbed by the body one hour after eating. This is what distinguishes vitamins in other foods that are difficult to absorb the child's body.
  2. Honey is good for digestion. For children or infants who are less concerned with the cleanliness of the food he ate and hand hygiene before handling food he became one penyebeb onset of digestive problems that arise. Not one if researchers explain the benefits of honey for children under five who are experiencing indigestion. For digestive problems do not fear, the mother can give honey to your child who is experiencing indigestion.
  3. Help growing bodies toddlers. There is no doubt that the benefits of honey for toddlers can help your child grow optimally. The content of iron contained in honey proved to be higher than that contained in breast milk or cow's milk. Intake of iron and copper is enough to assist in the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin.uli
  4. Childhood is a period where a child's brain is growing. Benefits of honey for children under five to help him to be more optimal brain development. Barikan child one tablespoon of honey before bed. Doing so will help the brain function because fructose contained in the honey will provide energy reserves in the liver. The benefits of honey for children will work on the brain all night when the child is asleep.
  5. Honey can cure a cough in the baby mother. At the time of the extreme weather climate, your child will be susceptible to colds and coughs. Benefits of honey to children under five who have drug-like effects with dextromethorphan content that serves to relieve cough child at night to be sleeping more soundly.

Those are some of the benefits of honey for the child's body, and in fact there are many more benefits of honey for the development of the child's body.

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