Rabu, 19 April 2017

Benefits of Honey for Face Skin Beauty

Honey, Of course you are familiar with the thick liquid and have this sweet taste. Honey is produced by bees by having very many benefits for various health problems. Honey has been trusted since hundreds of years ago for use in health and also traditional and natural medicine. In addition to health honey is also useful for beauty and also many other benefits produced by this honey.

Here are the benefits of honey for Face Skin Beauty :

Protect the Skin

The benefits of honey is quite famous that can protect the skin. Honey has antioxidant, anti-fungal and anti microbial properties that can heal red spots, skin infections and also heal wounds.

Moisturises the skin

To make the skin softer you can use honey regularly to soften the skin or hair in a dry state. You can apply honey in the neck area and also face to soften the skin, you can even use other natural ingredients as a mixture.

Prevent Aging of the Skin

The signs of aging can be reduced by using honey, so you will look younger because honey has the benefit of being an antidote to free radicals. Even honey can be made into toner by mixing it with some other natural ingredients. You do this by mixing two teaspoons of lemon, two honey senodk tea and simply mix the water and put the mixture into a clean bottle and shake it evenly and you can use this toner in general. You can use a few drops of toner on a cotton swab and rub it on a cleaned face.

Maintaining Skin Beauty

In addition can be used on the skin, you can also drink honey regularly as well. Honey has magnesium, potassium and calcium which can help in the regeneration of skin cells so that the skin will look healthy and also beautiful.

Heals skin wounds

By consuming honey you can minimize the occurrence of infection and injury. Essence of sugar in honey can help speed healing of wounds, in addition to honey that also contains Anti-microbial.

Cleanse the Skin

Honey can be used as a skin cleanser because there is enzyme content in it without reducing the skin content, water mixture and honey can produce a soft antiseptic and can cleanse the skin.

In addition to the efficacy of honey in health and the benefits of honey in beauty honey is also believed to overcome acne. Nowadays many are experiencing various kinds of acne to inflamed acne. You can use the following tips to overcome your acne:

Benefits of Honey for Acne

You can use a little honey then smeared on your facial skin with acne, then let stand for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Benefits of honey can kill this acne because honey has anti-bacterial content so that acne and the stain can be lifted.

Using honey as a natural mask, in addition to smeared on the acne directly, you can also make this honey as a mask very easy way that is by applying honey on the entire surface of the face evenly then leave for 15-20 minutes so that the honey can sink into the skin of the face And can cure acne otherwise it can moisturize the face. After the silence then wash with warm water

Hopefully this Honey Health Efficacy article can provide useful information for all readers. The most important thing if you want to live healthy is by applying a healthy lifestyle and balanced because by applying it the body can work optimally and also every organ of the body in a prime state. In addition to the properties of honey above, there are many more benefits or other benefits that exist in honey like for the treatment of ulcer disease and many more other diseases that can be cured premises using honey.