Minggu, 14 Mei 2017

Benefits of Honey For Pregnant Women

Honey has a natural sweet taste. But unfortunately because of its expensive price make people who fake it and claim it as natural honey. You must be smart in choosing the original honey. The original honey certainly benefits better and more certain. Especially for pregnant women who need a lot of nutrients.

Let's just look at the description of the benefits of honey for pregnant women:

Prevent from Various Diseases
Well, the benefits of honey for pregnant women the first is to prevent from various diseases. Honey has antibody substances that protect the body from various viruses that can make pregnant women sick. And that's the impact on the fetus in the womb. So consume honey so it does not get sick easily.

Strengthen the fetus
Excavation contained in honey can increase fetal immunity. So that the fetus is stronger and healthier during the womb. So pregnant women should be diligent to consume native honey is certainly very healthy.

Baby's Mental Growth
For the benefit of honey for the next pregnant woman is able to make the baby's mental growth very well. It also makes the baby stronger.

Reduce Nausea
For pregnant women who still like nausea, it's good to consume honey. Well the benefits of honey for pregnant women can reduce the nausea that is usually experienced in the morning. Therefore, every morning make warm water mixed with honey.

Preventing Hepatitis B
In order to avoid hepatitis B disease, it is highly recommended to prevent it with the benefits of honey for pregnant women. That way the fetus will grow healthy and active.

Cleaning the Blood After pregnancy
For mothers who have given birth, egg and honey concoction is very good for cleaning the blood. Often drink honey as a herb that will make the health of pregnant women soon recovered.

Overcoming Difficulty defecating
Sometimes pregnant women feel the indigestion. It makes pregnant women difficult bowel movements. Inflexible chapter is certainly a danger to the fetus in the womb. By mengosumsi honey on a regular basis it will be very good for the digestion of pregnant women.

The conclusion is the benefits of honey for pregnant women very much. Indeed honey is the antidote of various diseases that would be very good to be consumed every day. It should also be balanced with a healthy lifestyle.

Kamis, 27 April 2017

Apis Dorsata

Apis Dorsata or otherwise known as a giant honeybee is an Asian honey bee that habits in the forest, Apis Dorsata Honeybee Apes make a nest with only one skull hanging on branches and twigs, in addition to branches and twigs are also often found around the ceiling Open and rocky cliffs, so until now scientists have not managed to cultivate Apis dorsata in closed form. Sisiran nest can reach 2 x 1 meter with estimation result can reach 20 kg / nest.

This species develops only in sub tropical and tropical regions of Asia, such as Indonesia, the Philippines, India, Nepal, and does not spread beyond Asia. In Indonesia is still found in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Papua and Nusa Tenggara. In Java Island bees are rarely found. There are several regional names for this bee in Indonesia, namely Manye / muanyi (Dayak), Gong (Java), Odéng (Sunda), bee gadang, bee gantuang, bee kabau, bees jawi (Minangkabau) and Harinuan (Batak people).

Honeybee Apis Dorsata Honeycomb shape semicircle large, from a distance looks brownish black, attached to the branches of a tall tree, occasionally seemed to wiggle in the wind. Honeybees really like to nest in the trees. This honey bee is different from the honey bee that is often encountered and maintained in beekeeping in general. Apis Dorsata This is a kind of wild honey bee, which is large and wild. Until now there is no information that states that this bee can be raised.

Bees belong to the Ordo Hymenoptera (mesh-winged insects), the name of the family group is Apidae, and the name of the species is Apis dorsata.

Bees are social insects such as ants and termites, meaning living in groups, with large numbers of individuals, and making nests. Inside the nest there is a queen of female sex, hundreds of thousands of female worker bees, and hundreds of male bees.

In one colony, the queen can be recognized easily because of its greatest size among other individuals. The queen duty married then lay eggs in the nest. Workers who are very much in charge of cleaning the nest, feeding bees, feeding and keeping the nest from disturbing predators. Bee males just marry the queen and eat it in the nest. The male bees will be expelled from the nest by the worker bee after marrying the queen bee.

Some people call this bee with the title of giant honey bee, some also call it with honey bees. This bee is indeed the largest among other types of honey bees such as Apis mellifera, Apis cerana, Apis andreniformis dll. Size about 2x the size of the honey bee is usually farmed.

The trees and rocky cliffs are very high choice to build a nest. Nest built only one comb. Unlike other honey bees that build nests with many combs. Often found nests located at an altitude of about 20-30 m above ground level hanging on branches of trees or sticking to rock cliffs. When approached the size of the nest is very large. The diameter of the nest can reach 0.5 - 2 meters, while the length is about 0.5 - 1 meters.

Although often found lodged in tall trees, there is also a honey finder who finds these bees nesting in low trees, even nests until it will touch the ground. Even if found in low trees the nest lies somewhat hidden among the bushes that grow high. At the time of the rainy season, these bees are found in the forest, the reason is because the trees in the forest generally flowering during the rainy season. While during the dry season these bees are often found nesting in the trees that are near the village, because the trees are commonly found in the village flowering constantly.

These bees include the migrant bees, the bees that migrate or move around. In Bogor Botanical Garden, based on research, these bees start coming in June / July, then settled until around February / March, after the months were not found existence. Not yet known clearly which way the bees move. Uniquely, these bees will nest on a tree that was once occupied previously. So it can be marked trees that once occupied the previous nest.

In addition to its unique behavior, bees are beneficial creatures because they produce honey that can be used by humans as a medicine. Honey produced by honey bees is very much when compared with other types of honey bees.

That's a little information about Honey Bees Apis Dorsata, hopefully this information can be useful for the readers.

Selasa, 25 April 2017

Benefits of Honey For Lips

Honey is a natural herb rich in benefits and properties that exist in it. And included to make the lips more moist, and can make the lips dry and can also make the red lips. Surely these women already know if you want to use and also the benefits you want to feel when wearing them. Surely everyone also knows that honey has properties that are rich in human body health and can mix honey for food processing that can not doubt its benefits.

Benefits of Honey For Lips, And here I will explain the benefits of honey for the lips:

Most women break their lips with a cosmetic device containing a mixture of preservatives. Usually the many women wear lipstick to redden the lips but it makes the lips even become black. And different from using honey, honey made From original natural ingredients from bees. And healthy for various purposes.

With this honey can be useful to milk the lips with natural ingredients, and this honey has been proven since ancient times so no doubt about the benefits of honey itself. How to flush the lips naturally?

Benefits of Honey For Lips

There can be no doubt that this honey has a wealth of tremendous benefits, and it has been proven. This honey can be used in various purposes and one of them for beauty such as overcoming the dry skin, moisturize the skin and the last to redden the lips. Benefits of Honey For Lips has a beneficial nutritional content to be used on everyone. Not only that but for the body that can protect the body that comes from outside with you diligent and regular to consume honey so your immune system so stronger than the various attacks of the disease.

How to redden your lips with honey by applying honey to your lips, just like you wear Lip Balm. In addition to redden honey lips can also overcome your dry lips, able to overcome broken lips break and treat sore throat.

How to moisten the lips. To moisten the lips should use at night, by mixing honey and a small amount of olive oil. This honey has an antibacterial content to heal wounds, and the use of olive oil itself is to help moisten the lips. By mixing honey and olive oil and then you apply on your lips, you should use before bed so that when you wake up your lips feel more smooth and soft. For additional benefits that are good for health should you drink eight glasses of water on a daily basis, in order to make the skin to look moist, not kusan and not dry.

Why honey has properties for various health and beauty purposes, because honey has mineral content such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, aluminum, phosphorus, potassium and iron. Honey also contains thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), ascorbic acid (C), Pyridosksin (B6), pantothenic acid, niacin content, folic acid content, biotin content and vitamin K content.

The content of enzymes contained in honey is, diastase enzyme content, invertase content, peroxidase content, glucose oxidase levels, and lipase. Diastase enzyme content is the content of enzymes that can convert complex carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates or monosaccharides. Invertase enzyme content is a content that can break the molecule of sucrose into glucose and also fructose. The content of enzyme oxidase is an enzyme that can help glucose oxidase into peroxide. The content of peroxidase enzymes can process oxidase into metabolism. All these substances can process the body into metabolism.

The value of the calories contained in this honey is extraordinary magnitude 3,280 calories or perkilonya. The content of one kilogram of calories honey is the same as fifty chicken eggs, 5.7 liters of milk, 25 bananas, forty citrus fruit, four kilograms of potatoes and also 1.68 kilograms of meat. Honey has a very high carbohydrate content of low fat content. The content of sugar contained in this reached 80%, for the content of sugar present in honey as much as 85%, and sugar including glucose And fructose.

Similarly an article on the benefits of pure honey for the lips. Hope can be useful for the para.
Thank you for our great blog.

Rabu, 19 April 2017

Benefits of Honey for Face Skin Beauty

Honey, Of course you are familiar with the thick liquid and have this sweet taste. Honey is produced by bees by having very many benefits for various health problems. Honey has been trusted since hundreds of years ago for use in health and also traditional and natural medicine. In addition to health honey is also useful for beauty and also many other benefits produced by this honey.

Here are the benefits of honey for Face Skin Beauty :

Protect the Skin

The benefits of honey is quite famous that can protect the skin. Honey has antioxidant, anti-fungal and anti microbial properties that can heal red spots, skin infections and also heal wounds.

Moisturises the skin

To make the skin softer you can use honey regularly to soften the skin or hair in a dry state. You can apply honey in the neck area and also face to soften the skin, you can even use other natural ingredients as a mixture.

Prevent Aging of the Skin

The signs of aging can be reduced by using honey, so you will look younger because honey has the benefit of being an antidote to free radicals. Even honey can be made into toner by mixing it with some other natural ingredients. You do this by mixing two teaspoons of lemon, two honey senodk tea and simply mix the water and put the mixture into a clean bottle and shake it evenly and you can use this toner in general. You can use a few drops of toner on a cotton swab and rub it on a cleaned face.

Maintaining Skin Beauty

In addition can be used on the skin, you can also drink honey regularly as well. Honey has magnesium, potassium and calcium which can help in the regeneration of skin cells so that the skin will look healthy and also beautiful.

Heals skin wounds

By consuming honey you can minimize the occurrence of infection and injury. Essence of sugar in honey can help speed healing of wounds, in addition to honey that also contains Anti-microbial.

Cleanse the Skin

Honey can be used as a skin cleanser because there is enzyme content in it without reducing the skin content, water mixture and honey can produce a soft antiseptic and can cleanse the skin.

In addition to the efficacy of honey in health and the benefits of honey in beauty honey is also believed to overcome acne. Nowadays many are experiencing various kinds of acne to inflamed acne. You can use the following tips to overcome your acne:

Benefits of Honey for Acne

You can use a little honey then smeared on your facial skin with acne, then let stand for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly. Benefits of honey can kill this acne because honey has anti-bacterial content so that acne and the stain can be lifted.

Using honey as a natural mask, in addition to smeared on the acne directly, you can also make this honey as a mask very easy way that is by applying honey on the entire surface of the face evenly then leave for 15-20 minutes so that the honey can sink into the skin of the face And can cure acne otherwise it can moisturize the face. After the silence then wash with warm water

Hopefully this Honey Health Efficacy article can provide useful information for all readers. The most important thing if you want to live healthy is by applying a healthy lifestyle and balanced because by applying it the body can work optimally and also every organ of the body in a prime state. In addition to the properties of honey above, there are many more benefits or other benefits that exist in honey like for the treatment of ulcer disease and many more other diseases that can be cured premises using honey.

Senin, 17 April 2017

Benefits of Honey for Childhood

Honey is a viscous liquid syrupy and sweet. When you Belita child difficult to eat immediately give honey every day. Benefits of honey to children under five can increase appetite, and lower levels of morbidity to heat and cold, in addition to it's full nutritional content. Honey can be given to small children to various kinds of treatment as a child quickly relieve coughs and help them sleep soundly without any disturbance cough quite excruciating for children. So the next day the child's body feels better than ever.

Honey can also help growing children. As supported by the folic acid content owned honey that serves as stimulat to assist the growth and development of children. In growing up have the necessary nutrients, calories and more balanced sources of energy. Therefore currently circulating milk mixed with honey as a supporting material of milk consumed by children. enriched honey will the nutrients and calories can help supplement the food consumed by children and young child nutrition and calorie needs per day in a balanced manner.

However, there are things to be aware that not all children like honey or honey do not also consume excessive amounts because it can interfere with the digestive process so that the children eat in the body can lead to stomach pain arise such as diarrhea.

Benefits of honey to children under five are :
  1. Benyak honey contains vitamins needed and very important for the child's body. Benefits of honey to children under five also can be easily absorbed by the body one hour after eating. This is what distinguishes vitamins in other foods that are difficult to absorb the child's body.
  2. Honey is good for digestion. For children or infants who are less concerned with the cleanliness of the food he ate and hand hygiene before handling food he became one penyebeb onset of digestive problems that arise. Not one if researchers explain the benefits of honey for children under five who are experiencing indigestion. For digestive problems do not fear, the mother can give honey to your child who is experiencing indigestion.
  3. Help growing bodies toddlers. There is no doubt that the benefits of honey for toddlers can help your child grow optimally. The content of iron contained in honey proved to be higher than that contained in breast milk or cow's milk. Intake of iron and copper is enough to assist in the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin.uli
  4. Childhood is a period where a child's brain is growing. Benefits of honey for children under five to help him to be more optimal brain development. Barikan child one tablespoon of honey before bed. Doing so will help the brain function because fructose contained in the honey will provide energy reserves in the liver. The benefits of honey for children will work on the brain all night when the child is asleep.
  5. Honey can cure a cough in the baby mother. At the time of the extreme weather climate, your child will be susceptible to colds and coughs. Benefits of honey to children under five who have drug-like effects with dextromethorphan content that serves to relieve cough child at night to be sleeping more soundly.

Those are some of the benefits of honey for the child's body, and in fact there are many more benefits of honey for the development of the child's body.

thanks already want to visit.

Kamis, 13 April 2017

Benefits of Royal Jelly

Royal jelly for health benefits have been widely known, and universities around the world also are learning more about the benefits of royal jelly usability even more. Royal jelly is a substance produced only by bees, the high quality of the honey bee.

Royal jelly is particularly useful for increasing the overall vitality of the body, and helps to balance hormones. Royal jelly is also good to help sleep disorders, and recover energy more quickly after finished a day's work. In addition, royal jelly to help the skin to remain healthy and glowing.

Here's Benefits for Health Benefits of royal jelly, which is supported by research scientists:

Antioxidants contains high
Antioxidants are the body's ability to clear by the results of oxidation substances which are toxic. And royal jelly contains many important antioxidants, in order to avoid adverse effects such as cancer, heart disease and other degenerative conditions. But scientists have found certain foods also contain large amounts of antioxidants, such as vegetables, tomatoes etc.

Royal Jelly happens to also be one good source of antioxidants. As reported in the Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry in 2008, Royal Jelly contains several antioxidants with a very high amount.

Maintaining balance system
Because Royal Jelly indicated as having potential for the human immuno-modulator, a group of scientists at the University of the Ryukyus in Japan conducted research to determine whether Royal Jelly can alter the development of systemic autoimmunity in mice.

Autoimmunity is a condition in which the immune system attacks itself. Diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis and many allergy is one result of an autoimmune disorder.

The mice are genetically predisposed to develop lupus, is a kind of auto immune disorder that seriously.

During the study, scientists found that rats given royal jelly gets significant delays suffered from lupus, and life is much longer than mice that did not receive royal jelly.

But humans are not like rats, but this study support the many testimonials from people who have reported using Royal Jelly to boost their immune system balance.

Improved Brain Function Research
conducted Gifu Pharmaceutical University in Japan has provided an explanation about the relationship between royal jelly with improved brain function.

The scientists fed the rats a toxic compound that is designed to turn off the brain cells, and then give them the Royal Jelly. And scientists found that royal jelly is not only protects the brain, but also stimulate cognitive functions and improvements to the brain.

Liver protection against Royal jelly
have the ability to protect the liver. Scientists at the University of Erciyes, Turkey feed royal jelly to mice that had been given poison the liver. They found that the administration of royal jelly can protect mice from the toxins that have been given. Known protective effect after 7 days, shown with being marked on liver tissue affected.

Anti Inflammation
Most research suggests that chronic inflammation is one of the root causes of heart disease and other degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimers disease, arthritis and even some types of cancer.

Scientists at Hayashibara Biochemical Laboratories in Japan tested the anti-inflammatory activity of Royal Jelly.

The scientists found that giving the Royal Jelly suppress pro-inflammatory compounds, and concluded that royal jelly has anti-inflammatory properties.

So, if there is a history of heart disease or Alzheimer's disease in your family, royal jelly or royal jelly is very good supplement to suppress the risk.

The skin wound healing
Scientists at the Department of Pharmacology, Nihon University in Japan to test whether Royal Jelly can improve wound healing.

Scientists gave the mice eating a daily amount of royal jelly, and found the anti-inflammatory activity of royal jelly by reducing exudation and formation of collagen. Royal jelly also shortens the healing of skin lesions, so scientists said if the royal jelly can improve on wound healing.

This is not surprising for us who have long used the royal jelly for skin health for many years. Royal Jelly contains certain nutrients and nitrisi that supports skin rejuvenation, such as flavonoids, nucleic acid, decanoic acid, enzymes, and hormones.

Royal jelly contains many vitamins and minerals such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, acetyl-choline and zinc, which are all very good for the skin. Studies show that the acid found in Royal Jelly contribute to the formation of collagen.

Controlling Blood Sugar and Diabetes
Previous studies have shown that royal jelly has a good activity for insulin. However, there is so far no clinical trials to support these findings. A group of German doctors at the Hospital of the Justus-Liebig University Germany telahmelakiukan study of twenty volunteers underwent a standard oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and after a second OGTT after consumption of 20 g of royal jelly. The doctors found that, after two hours, serum glucose level 20 volunteers who consumed 20g of royal jelly is much lower, than when they were not taking it.

A group of Japanese scientists believe that the royal jelly has a beneficial effect for patients with osteoporosis.

After conducting studies in mice and in a test tube, the doctors discovered that royal jelly can prevent osteoporosis by increasing calcium absorption in the intestine, thus becoming an effective prevention for osteoporosis.

So it makes sense to supplement the intake of calcium and vitamin D with royal jelly, if you have osteoporosis or who have a family history of this disease. According to this study, royal jelly will increase the body's ability to absorb calcium, and eventually calcium will quickly enter into your bone structure.

Breast Cancer
A group of scientists at Kyushu University of Japan believes the protective effect of Royal Jelly on cancer risk pay * d fig. The study found that royal jelly can inhibit the growth of cancer cells by the result obtained from the environment. We are all exposed to every day dozens of cancer-causing estrogen through our environment, either through the water we drink, cosmetics, plastics and chemicals from our food. We may be required more prudent to protect yourself from the causes of this cancer by eating royal jelly.

Controlling Cholesterol Levels
A group of researchers in Japan examined the effects of Royal Jelly on blood cholesterol levels in 15 volunteers.

They gave half the volunteers with 6 grams of Royal Jelly per day for 4 weeks. Volunteers who consume royal jelly is unknown amount of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels decreased significantly compared with those who did not consume royal jelly.

So it is clear that Royal Jelly can lower bad cholesterol while not penalizing the amount of good cholesterol. Extraordinary!

So if you are known to have high levels of LDL or bad cholesterol is high, perhaps Royal Jelly is a safe option for lowering it.

Senin, 10 April 2017

Honey Bee Apis Mellifera

Honey bee Apis mellifera, known as the European bee or if in Indonesia known as a superior bee. Bees are classified as benign (ie not easily attack / stinging) and easy maintenance, the most important is the management control of the colony.

Honeybees melifera first present in Indonesia known from Australia to Apiari Scouts in the early decades of the 1970s. But no one said earlier also there are some people try breeding in Central Java with the mainland of China. Apart from all that should be noted is the role of predecessors who are very concerned in the development of this bee species in Indonesia is Apiari Scouts, Department of forestry, and BPPT.

Honeybees mellifera at this point is very easy to find in Central Java (Pati, Jepara, Batang, Boyolali, Semarang, Waterford), East Java (Malang, Pasuruan, Probolinggo, Banyuwangi, Kediri), in West Java (Sukabumi), in Djogdjakarta in Papua (Wamena).
Honey produced from bees species can actually be as high as 60 kg / colony / year, with a note that adequate feed plants bees and colony management is done correctly. Well-known honey produced by bees mellifera is randu honey, honey durian, rubber honey, longan honey, honey kaliandra, honey rambutan.
Other bee products that can be produced mellifera bees is pollen, propolis, royal jelly, beeswax.

Apis mellifera beekeeping is extremely interesting, because we will always move to move from one place to another chasing bees feed crop flowering season.